Gynecologic surgeons actually pioneered the development of laparoscopic techniques in surgery. The laparoscopic diagnosis of gynecologic abnormalities has been utilized for better than 40 years, but only in the past decade have the techniques for extensive gynecologic surgery been possible. At present, laparoscopic approaches are utilized from the simple tubal ligation (tying of the tubes for sterilization) to complex pelvic surgery including hysterectomy (uterus removal) with ovarian repair or removal.
Symptoms of uterine or ovarian abnormalities are multiple and can be vague, generally including the following:
● Recurrent indigestion.
● Abdominal bloating and fullness.
● Cystic pelvic pain related to a woman’s menstrual cycle.
● Heavy and frequent vaginal bleeding that can be heavy at times associated with cramps and clotting. Bleeding may also occur between the normal menstrual periods of a woman.
The diagnoses for gynecologic abnormalities are usually made with the participation and medical advice of your family doctor. Your gynecologic diagnosis is usually made in conjunction with a physical examination and one or more of the following tests:
● Laboratory tests.
● Pelvic examination to evaluate the uterus and the ovary.
● Pap smears.
● Pelvic ultrasounds.
● CAT scans.