Diagnosis of a medical condition does not always warrant a surgical approach. Many conditions can be investigated by radiographic/laboratory measures as well as endoscopic procedures. Endoscopy offers the placement of a thin flexible video scope through either the mouth or the rectum to offer a perspective to the surgeon to see the stomach or the intestine from within. We are pleased to offer the following procedures:
● Flexible sigmoidoscopy – a flexible scope placed through the rectum used to screen for any rectal and/or sigmoid colonic tumors.
● Colonoscopy – a flexible scope placed through the rectum allowing for diagnosis and/or removal of colonic disease such as polyps, infection and/or cancer.
● EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) – a flexible scope placed through the mouth that allows for a diagnosis of problems of the esophagus (swallowing tube) and the stomach including reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, and cancer.
Flexible sigmoidoscopy is usually done in the office and can be done with sedation. Colonoscopy and EGD are usually performed in a hospital setting with the patient having been given a twilight sleep anesthesia. All of these procedures are performed with your safety and comfort in mind.